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South Asian Women Leaders Capacity Enhancement Training![]() The South Asia Women Leaders Capacity Enhancement Training Program organized by CCA- EGY in partnership with ‘South Asia Ecumenical Partnership Program (SAEPP) and ‘Church of North India’ was held from the 18th to 22nd November in CNI Bhaven , New Delhi. Thirty five women Church leaders form six south Asian countries – Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan participated in this program. The theme of this training was same as forth coming Assembly theme ‘Called to Prophesy, Heal and Reconcile’ The main focus of this training was on Women's Human Rights and Advocacy skills. Context In 2007 form 8th -14th October CCA organized a women’s meeting- theme-Challenges Struggles and Strategies – Asian Women Building communities of peace ’in Bangkok participated by women Church leaders from different countries Asia. The south Asian women leaders who participated in this meeting claimed that there are many similar issues and problems in the sub region which has escalated gender violence in leaps and bounds in the present era. They claimed that CCA and ‘South Asian Ecumenical Partnership Program’ in partnership with member councils and Churches of can journey together to for promoting women’s leadership development in South Asia. The Different Workshops Along with Bible studies, panel discussions on Women’s Movement in South Asia. Dr Azinun Nahar Islam - Professor Dhaka University, Mrs Indira Mahandar- Chairperson RAMPAN - Nepal, Ms Arya Inderyas- Women's Desk Secretary- Lahore Diocese were the Panelists. There were three workshops. (1) Women's Human Rights- facilitated by Ms. Mercy Kappen. (2) Advocacy Skills to Promote Women's Human Rights’(3) Revitalizing Women’s Ecumenical Movement in South Asia facilitated by Moumita Biswas. The Key note address was delivered by Ms Kanti Rupeshinge- Generaral Secretary- YWCA Violence in Church: Breaking the Silence One of the important components in this training was to encouraging the participants to break the culture of silence and share their stories to violence they face in their day today life. Participants shared stories of how they face violence not only at home but also in Church. Through role play participants were facilitated by resource persons regarding advocacy skills to campaign against such violence. VOICES Member Churches Ownership This is a historic gathering where women from six south Asian counties could meet in New Delhi the capital of India and even our five Pakistani participants. The Church of North India is happy to host and be a partner in this joint ecumenical endeavor- Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan- General Secretary – Church of North India We South Asian Women Need More Support There is essential need for follow up of such similar trainings locally for multiplying affect in local communities. We south Asian women need more solidarity and support-Gloria Kalpona Sirkar- Women Desk Secretary- National Council of Churches in Bangladesh Gender Justice School We should also have similar workshops for our male South Asian Church leaders. Most of the time gender justice is mistaken as agenda for women only. I am glad that in 2009 CCA will organize Asian School for Ecumenical Formation for Gender Justice for both male and female participants to build communities of peace - Manju Baroi- President – CCA. Church and Government Working Together Human trafficking especially of girl children is a major problem is South Asia. Churches need to work together with the government of different countries. We can network together to eradicate such violence. Ms. Manju Hemrom- Member Women Commission of Government of India
posted by Moumita on Saturday, December 20, 2008 EGY Networking to Promote Women's Ecumenical Movement of Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation![]() One of the major goal of CCA is networking to build communities of peace. EGY plays a crucial role in promoting 'Fellowship of the Least Coin' Movement among member Churches in Asia. The Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) movement is a worldwide ecumenical movement of prayer for peace and reconciliation. Through this movement, Christian women around the world meet and pray with each other and are reminded to live a reconciling and forgiving life with others. Though the 'least coins' are given with each prayer, supports many life affirming projects for women, children and peace however it is not a fund-raising project, but a movement of prayer, peace and reconciliation. EGY makes full effort to promote this prayer movement for healing and reconciliation in Asia. The EGY Women and Gender Justice concern Executive Secretary Ms Moumita Biswas is also the committee member of 'International Committee of Fellowship of the Least Coin'. The ICFLC committee comprises of representatives from different ecumenical organizations The 28th Annual Meeting of ‘International Committee of Fellowship of Least Coin’ ICFLC held in Toronto in Canada from 25th -31st October 2008. This meeting was hosted by 'Women’s Inter Council Church of Canada'. In this meeting participatory decision is taken regarding project grants give for women's life sustaining projects for peace and justice . EGY plays a active role in endrosing the application request forms for project grants in Asia and participatory decision making. New officers were selected were selected in the ICFLC meeting . CCA congratulates the new offices of ICFLC
Chairperson: Ms. Esther Kilaghbian from Middle East Council of Churches, Lebanon Chairperson: Ms. Shirley Maginley- representing the WCC Treasurer: Ms. Pat Allison – Director- Women Inter Council Church of Canada posted by Moumita on Saturday, December 20, 2008 Women of Faith Network in Asia![]() In order to engage multi-religious cooperation and common action for peace among women leaders across diverse religious traditions in Asia EGY have played crucial role in facilitating in forming women of faith network in Asia. The journey began in April 2008 when CCA- EGY in partnership of ‘World Conference of Religions of Peace’, ‘World Fellowship of Buddhist’ and ‘International Network of Engaged Buddhist’ organized ‘Summit of Asian Women Religious Leaders’ in Bangkok in April 2008. From 14th -16th October 2008 again many members of the women of faith network met in Manila during the Women’s Assembly ‘Asian Conference of Religions for Peace’. A coordinating committee was formed where Ms Moumita Biswas representing CCA was requested to facilitate in the networking of women of faith network in Asia. There were discussion regarding action oriented partnerships with governments, civil society organizations to promote advocacy and campaign to overcome violence against women in Asia where women of faith network can work together. posted by Moumita on Saturday, December 20, 2008 |
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